MBCG Buzau 2018

MBCG Buzau 2018

MBCG Buzau 2018

  • When: 01/22/2018, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Where: Buzau

2018 began with Soufflet Agro Romania's organization of 6 symposiums on malting barley culture. The Malting Barley grower Club also had a large audience, we were joined by farmers willing to learn the innovations of the technology used in malting barley production. The first event took place in Buzau on January 22, 2018 where 43 co-workers, active, devoted and curious, joined us.

The themes approached were:

  • Presentation of the results obtained at autumn and spring barley in 2017 Campaign  
  • Harvest 2018 - quality parameters
  • Malting barley crop technology
  • Methods of controlling pathogens and major pests

Registration for the event

Registration ended


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