We started the year 2020 with the organization of 7 malting barley grower clubs. The events took place in all the strategic areas of Romania where we are active, respectively: in South-East: in Buzău, Constanța, Slobozia and Brăila, in the South: Roșiori de Vede, in the East: Bârlad and in West: Timișoara.
The SARO agronomist team presented up-to-date information about malting barley technology, a profitable crop.
Each event on this topic aims to provide farmers as much information as possible about the malting barley technology and to promote the benefits of this crop.
The main topics discussed were:
This kind of meeting has the purpose of giving the farmers as much information as possible about the technology of malting barley crop and to promote the benefits of this culture.
Soufflet Agro Romania focuses on efficient collaboration and will be near farmers with useful technical advices, consultants and professional solutions, with the organization of innovative agronomic events aimed at obtaining quality crops and a successful partnership.
Vă invităm să vizualizați noua broșură dedicată culturii de floarea-soarelui 2025 pentru a descoperi tehnologia completă dedicată acesteia.
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Vă invităm să vizualizați noua broșură dedicată culturii de porumb 2025 pentru a descoperi tehnologia completă dedicată acesteia.
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