SOILTEQ - May 2018

SOILTEQ - May 2018 May 24, 2018, All

A new edition of  SoilTEQ club organized by Soufflet Agro Romania along with Patrick Valmary, a specialist in agronomy, will take place on 29.05.2018 in the South area, at Hanul Cocosul in Vitanesti, Alexandria County.

After a presentation that will have as main topics: Integration into Sustainable Agriculture, Structure, efficiency and soil conservation, Regeneration of soil structure, Organic and biological soil fertility, will go to the field in Toporu, Alexandria at the Tellif Group farm to analyze a soil profile.

Besides from Patrick Valmary, we will have a guest from France, Mr. Mathieu Archambaud, another expert in agronomy who will answer your questions and share with all of you valuable and useful information.

Every agronomic event organized by Soufflet Agro Romania aims to support and maintain productive collaboration, to meet your goals and achieve a rich and quality harvest.

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