10 years Anniversary of Soufflet Agro Romania

10 years Anniversary of Soufflet Agro Romania April 5, 2019, All

The year 2019 is an anniversary year for Soufflet Agro Romania, 10 years since the company was founded, and 20 years since Soufflet Group is present on the Romanian market with its malting barley division.

In Romania, our story began in 1999 with the production of malt from romanian malting barley in the factories in Buzau and Pitesti. In 2008, in Buzau started the construction of the most modern malt factory in Eastern Europe and in 2009 was born Soufflet Agro Romania.

Soufflet Agro Romania is a polyvalent company that has always tried to satisfy and improve agricultural performance through the services and technical knowledge of our specialists, so we aim to offer optimal solutions to every farmer through our divisions:

  • Seeds
  • Sale of plant protection products
  • Solid and foliar fertilizers
  • Technical advice
  • Purchase of cereals

The objectives of the company were ambitious, the human resource had an important role. Together, we have proved that through work, perseverance and passion we are growing and developing continuously, therefore of a team of 4 people in 2009, today we have a total of 65 dedicated, professionals persons, with the desire to innovate and improve.

Today we are one of the well-rated companies in the field of agribusiness and for this we thank to our clients and collaborators for their fidelity and trust, but also to the team for involvement and the well done job, every day.


In the future, we also want to offer our farmers the best services and for the employees, good working conditions and career promotion opportunities.

The anniversary event will be held towards the end of the year, we will prepare a party and surprises for all invited guests, clients, collaborators, public figures, institutions, press, etc.

We will keep you informed about the dates and location where the event will take place!

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