SGA: Soufflet Grain Analityc

SGA: Soufflet Grain Analityc Nov. 22, 2017, All, Events

On 28.11.2017 will take place the symposium "SGA- SOUFFLET GRAIN ANALITYC CLUB", a new project, organized for the first time by Soufflet Agro Romania in Galati.

The main theme of the debate is ''The evolution of grain stocks worldwide''.

The club aims to support farmers with useful and innovative information in terms of the expansion of the cereal market.

In addition to international stock analysis, other topics will also be discussed: the impact of stocks on prices, the cost management, the loss management, estimates for market evolution.

Our desire and goal is to develop and improve together with our farmers parteners, both, in the production of cereals and in the process of selling them.

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