SOUFFLET SEEDS - New Seed Brand Avalaible Exclusively in Soufflet Agro

SOUFFLET SEEDS - New Seed Brand Avalaible Exclusively in Soufflet Agro July 29, 2016, All, SOUFFLET SEEDS

SOUFFLET SEEDS has been launched in 2017 in all over the Europe

Due to experiences with the breeders and network of experimental field plots all over Europe, SOUFFLET SEEDS provides the best genetic selection of multispecies hybrids like corn grain, corn silage, sunflowers and oil seed rape adapted for each personnal needs.

Seeds are produced under our own control in order to get the highest level of quality.

In our portfolio, we already have avalaible:

  • 9 Corn hybrids
  • 2 Sunflower hybrids
  • 1 Oil seeds rape hybrid

...And other great hybrids are coming soon...

  • The SOUFFLET SEEDS choice is the garantee for having a specific solution to increase farmer´s yields, quality and farmers profitability.
  • Contact your local Soufflet Agro Romania sales representatives for getting more details.

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