First SOILTEQ club

First SOILTEQ club

First SOILTEQ club

  • When: 05/10/2016, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Where: Phoenicia Grand Hotel Bulevardul Aerogarii 87 Bucuresti, Romania

On May 10th, Soufflet Agro Romania organized the first SOILTEQ seminar with topic ''sustainable agriculture ''. This meeting was attended by farmers from all over the country. They were presenting their problems caused by intensive farming, fertilization and wrong crop rotation. All the activities has led to the soil devastation. The international project SOILTEQ was presented for the first time in Romania, focusing on the knowledge of soil processing, its natural structure and fertility, as well as on the relationship between biological activity, organic matter and soil nutrients. The series of events will continue in the field in October this year, when farmers will be able to see the practical application of Soilteq technologies.

Registration for the event

Registration ended


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